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Data Portal

FAANG is the Functional Annotation of ANimal Genomes project. We are working to understand the genotype to phenotype link in domesticated animals.

This data portal will help find and browse FAANG's data. Let us know what you think at faang-dcc@ebi.ac.uk.

Using this site

The Organisms page lets you search for any organism in the FAANG data set. We use the term "organism" to mean any individual animal that has contributed a biological specimen. Click an item in the list to see full details of the organism.

The Specimens page lets you search for any specimen in the FAANG data set. We use the term "specimen" to mean any biological material originating from a particular organism. Click an item in the list to see full details of the specimen.

The Dataset page lets you search for any dataset in the FAANG data set. We use the term "dataset" to mean the Study concept used in ENA (also referred as a Project). Click an item in the list to see full details of the dataset.

The File page lets you search for any experiment files in the FAANG data set. We use the term "file" to mean any experiment assay file that has been submitted to a public archive. Click an item in the list to see full details of the file.

The Search page lets you search across different types of data tables. It enables custom search allowing you to join tables and select specific columns. Click an item in the results list to see full details.

Contribute to FAANG

Sign up to become part of the FAANG community and join the working commitees.

Instructions on how to submit your samples and analyses to FAANG are detailed on the FAANG submission guidelines.

It's good to share

FAANG is committed to sharing data rapidly, before publication. All members have agreed to the FAANG Data Sharing Statement for pre-publication data release.

FAANG is also committed to making regular public releases of primary and secondary analysis results to provide access to the wider community.